Spiritual Formation
What is Spiritual Formation?
“Spiritual Formation is the process of being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others.”
-Robert Mulholland
God invites us to follow Jesus and become like Him. As we live to walk with Him in his path – here and now – our passions, character, understanding and relationships are increasingly aligned with those of His. This lifelong transformation within and among us is the continual gift of God’s Spirit. We are committed to pursue and receive God’s grace to be more fully transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
Our transformation into the image of Christ is not a human attainment; it is a gift of grace. God mercifully uses all our experiences, including our suffering and trials, to teach and transform us. Even so, transformation requires our involvement and effort. We need to make ourselves available to the Holy Spirit’s work in all our life experiences. In CWTP, we commit to grow in integrating practices in our own personal lives and ministry with one another.
Confession and Forgiveness
Silence and Solitude
Contemplative Retreats
Lecto Divina
Daily Examen
As we long to know and follow Jesus and be formed into his likeness, we journey with those who share this longing. God is calling us to be a place of transformation. Here we struggle to fulfill our calling to love. Here we learn to attend to the invitations of God’s Spirit. Here we follow the presence of God in our midst. Spiritual community is the catalyst for our transformation and a sending base for our mission of love to the world.
As we are formed into the likeness of Christ, we increasingly share God’s infinitely tender love for others. We deepen in our compassion for the poor, the broken, and the lost. We ache and pray and labor for others in a new way, a selfless way, a joy-filled way. Our hearts are enlarged toward all people and toward all of creation.